Mel Bochner
Complain, Superficial, Criticize, Fool,, 2007
Oil on velvet
39 x 39 inches overall
 | Mel Bochner Vulgar, 2007 Oil on velvet 16 3/4 x 22 1/4 inches 19775
Mel Bochner Mistake, 2007 Oil on velvet 16 x 23 inches 19777
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 | Mel Bochner Money, Money, Money, 2008 Oil on velvet 16 3/4 x 67 inches 19875
Mel Bochner Aggravate, 2004 Monoprint with engraving and embossment on handmade Twinrocker paper. 34 x 47 inches 15198-MB2094
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 | Mel Bochner Strong Language, 2007 Etching, spit-bit, soft-ground, aquatint, and sugarlift Papers/images: 7 7/8 x 10 1/8 inches each Edition 5 of 20 19228
Mel Bochner 36 Foot Print #1, 2007 Monoprint with engraving and embossment on Twinrocker paper in 36 parts Overall: 24 x 72 inches Signed in pencil on reverse 19681
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 | Mel Bochner 12" (S1 + C3), 2007 Monoprint with engraving and embossment on handmade Twinrocker paper Image: 9 x 12 inches overall (Shaped Sheet) Edition of 12 19200 Mel Bochner 12" (S1 + C3), 2007 Monoprint with engraving and embossment on handmade Twinrocker paper Image: 9 x 12 inches overall (Shaped Sheet) Signed on reverse 19200
Mel Bochner 48 Inches, 1997 Monoprint with engraving and embossment on handmade paper in two parts Image/paper: 36 x 48 inches overall (Shaped Sheet) 19201
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 | Mel Bochner 12" Stack, 1997 Wood engraving on handmade paper Image/paper: 12 x 16 inches overall Edition of 12 19197
Mel Bochner 2 (12 " x 12"), 1997 Wood engraving on handmade paper Image/paper: 16 x 36 inches overall Edition 1 of 12
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 | Mel Bochner Genetic Space, Black and White #2, 1995 engraving with embossment on handmade paper Comprised of four pieces 37 1/2 x 37 1/2 inches overall ED. 6 16876
Mel Bochner Untitled (Red, Yellow, Black), 1995 Engraving with embossment on 4 sheets of handmade Twinrocker paper Image/paper: 20 x 20 inches overall Edition of 8 19199
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 | Mel Bochner Genetic Sequence B, 1995 Monoprint with embossment Comprised of eight pieces 36 x 72 inches overall 14649
Mel Bochner Genetic Sequence D, 1995 Monoprint with embossment Comprised of four pieces 36 x 36 inches overall 14650
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 | Mel Bochner Genetic Sequence L, 1995 Monoprint with embossment Comprised of four pieces 36 x 36 inches overall 14652
Mel Bochner Genetic Space, Blue, 1995 engraving with embossment on handmade paper Comprised of four pieces 37 1/2 x 37 1/2 inches overall ED. 6 14434
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 | Mel Bochner Genetic Space, Red, 1995 engraving with embossment on handmade paper Comprised of four pieces 37 1/2 x 37 1/2 inches overall ED. 6 14655
Mel Bochner Untitled, 1989 black and white aquatint and etching 32 5/8 x 47 1/4 inches Edition: 32
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OCTOBER 25, 2003 - DECEMBER 9, 2003

Exhibiton View
 | Mel Bochner Exhibition View
Mel Bochner Exhibition View
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 | Mel Bochner Genetic Space (Blue/Yellow), 1995 oil and alkyd on four attached canvas panels 56 x 56 inches
Mel Bochner The World as We Know It (Study #4), 1994 mixed media on four sheets 35 x 35 inches
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 | Mel Bochner Unlived Time, 1992-1993 oil on four canvases 98 x 98 inches
Mel Bochner Genetic Space, Black and White #2, 1995 engraving with embossment on handmade paper Comprised of four pieces 37 1/2 x 37 1/2 inches overall ED. 6 16876
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 | Mel Bochner Genetic Space, Blue, 1995 engraving with embossment on handmade paper Comprised of four pieces 37 1/2 x 37 1/2 inches overall ED. 6 14434
Mel Bochner Genetic Space, Red, 1995 engraving with embossment on handmade paper Comprised of four pieces 37 1/2 x 37 1/2 inches overall ED. 6 14655
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 | Mel Bochner Genetic Space (Red/Yellow), 1995 oil and alkyd on four attached canvas panels 56 x 56 inches
Mel Bochner Out of Nowhere, 1996 acrylic on cut and pasted paper, over acrylic, on four attached canvas panels 56 x 56 inches
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 | Mel Bochner Thin Air, 1996 oil on embossed, cut, and pasted paper, over acrylic, on four attached canvas panels 56 x 56 inches
barbara krakow gallery