Sugar For Sugar
Sugar screens: 9" x 9" x 1.5", video: 1:00:00 (looped)
Three LCD screens, sugar-glass
A video instalation with sugar-glass, this piece explores the ephemeral quality of the materials, video and memory.
Untitled (Stories) 2008 Each print 72" x 45"
A series of nine lenticular prints.
Print #4 of 9, Untitled (Buddy), pictured above
A series of nine lenticular prints based on the four paperback novels of J.D. Salinger that use and manipulate the iconic but anonymous cover designs. The six-foot prints reconfigure and animate the brightly coloured geometric lines of the book covers, suggesting the modernist art historical precedents of abstract painters such as Stella and Lewitt, Minimalism, or even the Op Art movement. As such, questions arise as to Salinger's position towards modernism and modernity and the subsequent appropriate—or perhaps inappropriate—design of these books.
Click link below to view video documentation
Untitled (Buddy) - installed at Artists Space, NY
Gareth Long was born in Toronto in 1979. In 2007 he completed his Master’s of Fine Art in the Sculpture department at Yale University. In 2003 he received his Honours Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toronto.
Long's work tends toward conceptual gestures that play with formal ideas of translation, narrative and medium specificity. Long has made projects that turn video into material objects in an effort to explore video’s value as infinitely reproducible, transformed an audio book back into its original source using speech recognition software, made sculptural objects from items that have only ever existed in fictions. Such translations result in pieces far-removed from their source, often barely resembling the original in their new, compromised, object-form.
Long is the recipient of the Vtape Emerging Artist Award, 2003. In 2004 he exhibited at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal; the work is now a part of the permanent collection. He has exhibited extensively in Canada as well as in the US and France. His bookworks, Don Quixote, and Les petites histoires terroristes were recently purchased by the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) Library in New York. He is a founding member of the 640 480 Video Collective.
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