
Stéphane Dafflon


Stéphane Dafflon
ED002, 2002
Ed. 4/12, adhesive film on mixed media, on CD-Rom
Scale variabel
Acquired/Erworben 2006

Stéphane Dafflon represents a young generation of Swiss artists who have achieved a fine balance between elements of their own culture and global developments. He works on murals, pictures and installations that bring together elements of design, architecture, art and lounge culture in a highly personal formal language. Dafflon develops his designs on a computer and frequently realizes them as an entirely depersonalized and withdrawn spatial pattern. This leads to works that circle around the variable borders between art and applied areas, meaningful signs and pure ornament. Dafflon has been experimenting with picture-objects that structure or divide a space, or present it as a three-dimensional pictorial stage for some years now. This includes suspended room dividers, foils or screen-like free-standing images like ED002, which are reminiscent of naively frivolous graphics programs.

via http://artnews.org/gallery.php?i=618&g_cai=35916&St%C3%A9phane%20Dafflon